
Content Library

  • The Dachshund has an unmistakable look – long low body on short legs - that has earned it the nickname "Wiener Dog." Full of attitude, the Dachshund seeks the spotlight and demands attention, but offers loyalty, affection, and plenty of comedy in return.

  • Of all dog breeds, the Dalmatian is the most easily identified because of his distinctive coat. The image of a large white dog speckled with black spots all over his body, sitting on top of a fire truck or running along side a horse-drawn coach, is embedded in the minds of everyone, dog lover or no, regardless of age.

  • Dandie Dinmont Terriers are live-wire dogs that enjoy rousing play, yet can be as tough as nails when extracting a rodent from its den or when standing up to a challenge.

  • Dantrolene is a muscle relaxant used to help relax the urinary tract and improve urine flow in cats and dogs. It has also been used to help prevent muscle contractions caused by certain toxicities in dogs and malignant hyperthermia in miniature pigs and dogs. It is used off label (extra label) in veterinary medicine. Dantrolene comes in capsule and injectable forms.

  • Darbepoetin alfa is prescribed off label to treat low red blood cell levels (anemia) caused by progressing kidney disease in dogs and cats. It is administered by injections under the skin.

  • This handout discusses excessive drooling (hypersalivation) in dogs. There can be many causes for this complaint. Abnormal causes include nausea or gastrointestinal issues, oral pain or irritation, and conformation of the jowls. A short discussion of the more common causes is included. Further diagnostic and treatment options depend on the underlying cause.

  • Cat food labels can certainly be confusing to interpret. In the United States, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) has developed model laws and regulations that states use for animal feeds. In Canada, pet food labeling guidelines are regulated by the Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act administered by Industry Canada. The Canadian government's Competition Bureau also has an extensive working group that upholds a voluntary code of conduct for the labeling and advertising of pet food. The most important information when comparing one dog food to another is the guaranteed analysis. Ingredient lists are somewhat useful when evaluating a particular cat food, but it is important to recognize the limitations. Talk to you veterinarian about the ingredient list and nutrient profile to help choose the diet that is right for your cat.

  • Dog food labels can certainly be confusing to interpret. In the United States, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) has developed model laws and regulations that states use for animal feeds. In Canada, pet food labeling guidelines are regulated by the Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act administered by Industry Canada. The Canadian government's Competition Bureau also has an extensive working group that upholds a voluntary code of conduct for the labeling and advertising of pet food. The most important information when comparing one dog food to another is the guaranteed analysis. Ingredient lists are somewhat useful when evaluating a particular dog food, but it is important to recognize the limitations. Talk to you veterinarian about the ingredient list and nutrient profile to help choose the diet that is right for your dog.

  • Your veterinarian wants to keep your pet healthy and the fact is that people who are better informed take better care of their pets. Do not be overwhelmed by “medicalese”. Try your best to understand this foreign language and if you cannot quite decipher it, ask your veterinarian to speak more plainly.

  • Decoquinate is given by mouth and is used off label in dogs to prevent coccidia infections. Side effects are uncommon. Do not use in animals that are allergic to it or to treat coccidia infections (only use as a preventive).

Location Hours
Monday8:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 6:00pm
Friday8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday9:00am – 12:00pm


After Hours Emergency Clinic:

Burlington Veterinary Emergency and Referral Hospital
775 Woodview Road
Burlington, ON